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Competitions coming up.

We have two competitions coming up, one if for Junior Tygers and includes the High kick and Tyger combat. All Tygers are put into one of 3 categories for the combat, small, medium and large. The combat is point stop which means as soon as someone scores a point the contest is stopped and the point awarded, the first competitor to 10 or the highest scorer at the end of 90 seconds is the winner and progresses to the next round. The high kick is all the Tygers in together and the tennis ball in the hall is lowered the height of the Tygers and they attempt to kick it. The should not have any advantage being tall, it is all down to their flexibility. Entry forms are available now at the hall.

The other competition is for those who enjoy sparring and or patterns at the LTSI English Taekwondo championships in Hatfield. This competition is about an hour away by car and is very competitive. We have been attending this competition for the last 6 years or so. Entry for this competition is online, please follow the link from our events page to their page and complete your details. Must have a set of sparring equipment and gumshield in order to compete.

Good luck to all our competitors.

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