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Aella does work experience with TSA

Aella's account of her work experience from June 2018.

My name is Aella, I’m 14, and for the past week I’ve been doing work experience with Gary and Lita at TSA Taekwondo. I wanted to experience what a job in the sporting industry would be like and whether or not I would enjoy it.

The week started off by taking part in the Infant school games on the Isle of Sheppey, this is where we would give 20 minute demonstrations to 10 different groups of 6 year olds, involving them in numerous activities and showing them what taekwondo is all about. It was obvious that I was nervous and lacked confidence but as the hours passed I gradually got more engaged with the children and found it a much more enjoyable experience.

As the week progressed I was given a variety of tasks that I didn’t realise were part of the job such as stock counts, updating the website and entering data for the upcoming grading. This allowed me to understand the business more as previously, I had only taken part in the physical taekwondo lessons. Part of the business is marketing, which involves flyers, posters and even mugs. I was privileged to be able to design my very own mug and also design a poster for the club. However, I found I was hopeless at creating a good poster by myself and needed expert help. I was given a few tips and tricks by Gary on how to improve it and soon I was able to create one.

There are many different age groups within the club, so they require different lesson strategies. I was able to watch, take part and understand how the business is hugely successful across all ages and their different levels of experience. The younger classes are filled with taekwondo games that keep them interested and active without them consciously thinking they’re doing taekwondo. This works incredibly well. Where as the older classes are more mature and fatiguing, which works perfectly for the demands required.

Overall I have had a brilliant week, and feel very lucky to have had this experience. I’ve become more intrigued in a sporting career, and have discovered a new potential future within sport. I would like to thank Gary and Lita for looking after me this week as I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

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